Circle is a registered charity working at the heart of communities across central Scotland.   We work with families facing multiple disadvantages because of structural inequality, poverty, drug and alcohol use, imprisonment, physical or mental health, trauma, abuse, and loss.

We believe that every child, no matter their background or circumstances should have the support they need to live a happy and healthy life.

Circle works alongside the whole family promoting the positive involvement of all family members. We use a whole family, strengths-based approach that seeks to empower family members to find their own solutions and build resilience focusing on their rights, hopes and aspirations.

At the heart of Circle’s approach are the relationships, based on trust, openness, and honesty that we build with families.  Our model is rooted in a belief that families are best placed to provide their own solutions to the challenges they face. We work to alleviate the real multi-generational impact of structural inequality and poverty while also working to prevent it in the future.

Circle currently delivers projects in Edinburgh, East & West Lothian, North & South Lanarkshire as well as a Practice and Development Project which works with universities across Scotland providing learning opportunities for Social Work students. To get more information about all of our offices, visit our services page.

"The support that you get from other supported people is something I have never had before – it’s like the ripple effect of Circle – this is so important."-.